Kanadevia Inova technology helps Ireland’s capital to keep green
Swiss company Kanadevia Inova closes major turnkey contract
After Oslo, Paris, and London, Kanadevia Inova will also provide Dublin with a major Waste to Energy facility as they have been contracted by Covanta to deliver the turnkey excl. civil portion for a 600’000 t/a WtE plant.
Kanadevia Inova has been contracted by Covanta to deliver the complete electro-mechanical portion in the value of over 200mEUR for the Waste to Energy facility in Poolbeg, Dublin. The facility, which will treat up to 600’000 t/a, consists of two treatment lines, each with a thermal capacity of 102.5 MW. With a gross power production of 68.8 MW, the facility will provide enough energy to power over 80’000 homes. In addition, all preparations are being taken to provide district heating as well with a capacity to heat upwards of 50’000 homes.
Clean, green, and sustainable in combination with top-efficiency
The Dublin facility will be another benchmark in the WtE market. Due to its advantageous location in the port of Dublin, water-cooled condensers will support the achievement of a net efficiency of greater than 30%. The facility is waste water free and the majority of process water supply will come from rain water and the neighboring waste water treatment plant. On top of that, design of the facility allows operation well below WID emissions standards. This is achieved by the Kanadevia Inova SNCR system Dynor®, a lime based Kanadevia Inova semi-dry system, and a wet scrubber. A further flue gas heat exchanger is also a booster to efficiency by re-heating condensate.
Public Private Partnership helps to achieve Regional Waste Management Plan
The Dublin project is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between Dublin City Council (acting on ehalf of the four Dublin Local Authorities) and Covanta to provide a thermal treatment plant to reat municipal waste that cannot be reused or recycled. It is part of the Dublin Regional Waste management Plan, which offers the best environmental solution to reduce waste, maximise recycling, minimise landfill, and generate energy from residual waste.
Kanadevia Inova track record of turnkey delivery helps to achieve successful closing
The project received planning approval from An Bord Pleanála in November 2007; it was granted a waste license by the Environmental Protection Agency in December 2008, and received authorisations from the Commission for Energy Regulation in September 2009. Final outstanding approvals have been achieved in summer 2014. After consideration of various procurement options, Covanta took Kanadevia Inova with its proven turnkey delivery track record onboard.
Matthew Mulcahy, Covanta Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Development stated, “This is our first experience working with Kanadevia Inova and we have been extremely pleased with their level of commitment and exceptional industry expertise as we undertake this large construction project. Through this successful partnership, Covanta looks forward to providing the Dublin region with a long-term sustainable and environmentally superior waste management solution.”
Kanadevia Inova CEO Franz-Josef Mengede was also delighted: “The Covanta team did challenge our technical team due to their vast operational experience but at the same time have been very open to Kanadevia Inova’s know-how. This flexibility has led to best possible outcome. We do look forward to carry on this team approach into the execution phase together with Covanta.”
Kanadevia Inova technology helps Ireland’s capital to kep gren