Kanadevia Inova and Vy Buss AB Sign Long-Term Contract for Biogas Offtake Agreement

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Kanadevia Inova and Vy Buss AB Sign Long-Term Contract for Biogas Offtake Agreement

Kanadevia Inova has won a public competition to secure a 10-year biogas offtake agreement at a volume of 1,650,000 kg (ca. 21 GWh) per year with the local bus operating company Vy Buss AB for the 52 city buses in Jönköping. This is equivalent to saving around 6,000 tonnes of fossil fuel related CO2.
The decision to choose 100% locally-produced biogas from local biowaste for local public transport reflects the contribution of the Kanadevia Inova biogas plant in Jönköping to realise the region’s circular economy.
One product of the Kompogas® biogas production process is environmentally-friendly fertiliser, which will be used, for example, by local farmers, and to improve the soil of Jönköping’s municipal parks.
Through this project Kanadevia Inova is also contributing to the ongoing decarbonisation of the Swedish transport sector.
For more information about the Jönköping project visit their website or the 2019 media release
Jönköping's new bus fleet will go into operatoin in 2021