CORY and Kanadevia Inova to Build WtE Plant in UK Capital

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CORY and Kanadevia Inova to Build WtE Plant in UK Capital

A new energy-from-waste plant is set to be built in Southeast London. Client CORY has once again opted to collaborate with Swiss technology provider Kanadevia Inova. Augmenting the existing Riverside Energy Recovery Facility, the new plant would ultimately handle around 650,000 t/a of municipal solid waste from the UK capital.
Swiss clean-tech company Kanadevia Inova and CORY, one of the UK’s leading players in recycling, energy recovery, and resource management, have signed a joint development agreement setting down the terms of collaboration to develop, plan, and construct the second Riverside Energy Recovery Facility in London. The two companies cooperated successfully to deliver the first Riverside facility in 2011. This is already Kanadevia Inova’s eleventh project in the UK.
Nicholas Pollard, CEO of Cory Riverside Energy, is evidently satisfied: “The collaboration with Kanadevia Inova on the first project was a great success. The plant isn’t just the largest in the UK, but it’s also seen as one of the most reliable. Kanadevia Inova has continually proven its expertise as a technology provider and general contractor.”
Energy Park for Carbon-neutral Technologies
Like its sister plant, the new facility would be built on the Belvedere site in Southeast London. Subject to planning approval, construction is scheduled to start in 2021. Both plants will be part of a planned local energy park which would go into operation in 2024. The new facility has the potential to recycle around 650,000 tons of solid municipal waste per year to generate electricity and heat for some 140,000 London households.
“We share Cory’s vision of a plant that makes a major contribution to efforts to recycle even more of London’s waste and increase the share of fossil-free sources in the UK capital’s energy supply,” said Kanadevia Inova CEO Bruno-Frédéric Baudouin. “After our successful collaboration on the first project, we look forward to renewing our partnership with CORY to repeat the success of the first Riverside facility.”
Besides the energy generated, another point in the project’s favor is reductions in carbon emissions. Delivering waste by boat via the Thames reduces the number of truck journeys by around 80,000 a year. The result is a reduction in carbon of around 200 kilos per ton of waste or 120,000 tons a year. This is in line with the mayor of London’s plan, and has an extremely positive impact on the city’s carbon footprint.
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