Ferrybridge Multifuel project employs two apprentices

Kanadevia Inova > News  > Ferrybridge Multifuel project employs two apprentices

Ferrybridge Multifuel project employs two apprentices

Kanadevia Inova, the main contractor for the Ferrybridge Multifuel power station that is currently under construction at the Ferrybridge ‘C’ Power Station site, are pleased to be supporting an important skills initiative by employing two full time Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) apprentices at the site. 
The multifuel facility is a joint venture between SSE (owners of Ferrybridge “C” Power Station) and Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. The two apprentices, Rowan and Greig have already completed some of their apprenticeship training at ECITB approved centres and in the workplace with their previous employers. Both apprentices are now looking to gain further site experience working with qualified assigned Kanadevia Inova mentors and colleagues to allow them to successfully complete their apprenticeship program. Kanadevia Inova will work closely with both of their training providers, Humberside Enterprise Training Association and Mettech, to ensure that the requirements of their apprenticeships are met.
Adrian Wookey, Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Account Manager for ECITB said: “The ECITB is encouraged that Kanadevia Inova are prepared to give these young apprentices the opportunity to complete their apprenticeship and ensure they have the chance to realise their potential and become fully qualified tradesmen.
It is critical that we support the training of young people for a career in engineering construction to help bridge the skills gap and increase capability of the UK workforce and we can only do this through working in collaboration with, and receiving the support of employers like Kanadevia Inova.”
Franz-Josef Mengede, CEO of Kanadevia Inova said: “We are delighted to be building one the UK’s large and most efficient Multifuel facilities on behalf of Multifuel Energy Ltd and also that during the construction process, we can invest in the future generation of UK engineers.”
Further information about Ferrybridge Multifuel is available on the project websitewww.multifuelenergy.com or by contacting the project team at  info@multifuelenergy.com