Kanadevia Inova BioMethan to Retrofit Gas Upgrading System at Biogas Plant

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Kanadevia Inova BioMethan to Retrofit Gas Upgrading System at Biogas Plant

The operator of a biogas plant in Parum (in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is changing its facility to produce biomethane in future rather than converting raw biogas into electricity. The retrofit order was awarded to the Zeven-based gas upgrading specialist Kanadevia Inova BioMethan (Kanadevia Inova BioMethan). The realignment will enable the economically viable operation of the plant after the feed-in tariffs under the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) expire, while at the same time avoiding replacement investments in costly cogeneration plants going forward.
After many years of successful operation, the operator of the biogas plant in Parum faced the prospect of having to invest in the renovation of its cogeneration facilities, this coupled with the imminent expiry of the EEG feed-in tariffs. Turning to biomethane production via biogas upgrading offered an economically viable long-term alternative. With this process, the carbon dioxide (CO2) contained in the biogas is separated from the methane, which is then upgraded to natural gas quality, and fed into the existing natural gas grid.
This will be realized by Kanadevia Inova BioMethan using pressureless amine scrubbing, with a raw biogas capacity of up to 1,000Nm³ per hour. The initial supply to the HanseWerk grid is planned for 2017.
Financially Viable without State Subsidies
“Thanks to the revenues from the sale of the biomethane, the investment in the gas upgrading technology will deliver a good level of economic efficiency,” explained Dr. Karsten Wünsche, CEO of Kanadevia Inova BioMethan. Unlike using biogas to produce electricity, this concept is not based on limited state subsidies. Kanadevia Inova BioMethan is thus currently in direct discussions with numerous operators of biogas plants. “Biomethane is a key fuel of the future. It fits in with the development of renewable energies, and sufficient infrastructure is available. Unlike electricity, biomethane can be transported and distributed as required,” said Karsten Wünsche. Its range of uses is just as diverse as fossil fuels, and it is compatible with all gas-powered devices and vehicles.
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