Kanadevia Inova > Posts tagged "FCC"

Kanadevia Inova is to build Edinburgh’s energy-from-waste plant. The Swiss clean-tech company delivers the complete technology including its proven combustion technology and a dry flue gas treatment system. The latter will reduce water use and improve the energy efficiency of the plant. A new energy-from-waste (WtE) plant is to be built at the site of the Millerhill Zero Waste Parc, in Midlothian on the outskirts of...

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The Swiss clean-tech company Kanadevia Inova has successfully completed commissioning of the new energy-from-waste plant in Greatmoor (UK), and the client, FCC Environment, has taken over. FCC Environment will now operate the site for 30 years on behalf of Buckinghamshire County Council, who own the facility. This is the sixth project in the UK that Kanadevia Inova has successfully handed over to clients. The turnkey energy-from-waste...

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Zurich, 7 May 2013 -  Kanadevia Inova has been given the EPC contractor role in the construction of the Greatmoor energy-from-waste (WtE) facility in the UK. This CHF 210 million project will see Kanadevia Inova providing support to the Buckinghamshire area both in terms of sustainable thermal waste treatment and the creation of a large number of jobs. The signing of the contract at the end of April...

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