Kanadevia Inova Awarded for Special Health & Safety Achievements
Kanadevia Inova has been awarded the prestigious ECIA Safety Award. ECIA (Engineering Construction Industry Association) is one of the most important trade and employer Association for the UK engineering construction industry. To achieve their Health & Safety standard requirements the members have to prove constant health and safety standards that are above the average. “Such performance does not come about by chance”, says Richard Ash, HSE manager from ECIA. Kanadevia Inova achieved this award by developing a fundamental HSE strategy that is built around the value of care with the aim of zero incidents. Franz-Josef Mengede, CEO at Kanadevia Inova, says: “This is a welcome recognition from the industry body and reflects our sustained efforts to drive safety performance. It is of utmost importance for Kanadevia Inova that we actively care for our employees and partners so they return home safely to their families every day.”
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