3rd Power-to-Gas Congress, 5 September 2023, Spreitenbach, Switzerland

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3rd Power-to-Gas Congress, 5 September 2023, Spreitenbach, Switzerland

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After the two successful implementations of the first and second power-to-gas congresses, we are entering the next round this year with the third congress entitled «Green hydrogen – what next? Alternatives?».

The following topics and questions will be presented and discussed at the 3rd Power-to-Gas Congress:

  • Significance of power-to-gas for the energy supply of Switzerland and Europe: perspectives, framework conditions, hurdles
  • How can green hydrogen be obtained as efficiently and economically as possible?
  • What speaks for trade/import – what for local production?
  • What role do alternatives such as biogas, biomethane or synthetic natural gas play?
  • How are hydrogen and gases transported and stored?
  • Promising projects and innovations from Europe and Switzerland
  • Claude Nicollier, the first and so far only Swiss astronaut in space, talks about the importance of hydrogen in space travel
  • Aperitif riche and get-together
