Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

Kanadevia Inova > Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

Privacy Notices and Consents for Job Applicants

Privacy Notices Kanadevia Inova Group (except for the USA)
Name of the Document Language Version Document
Privacy Notice Job Applicants ENG Download PDF
Hinweis zum Datenschutz Stellenbewerberinnen und Stellenbewerber DE Download PDF
Oznámenie o ochrane osobných údajov Uchádzači o zamestnanie SK Download PDF
Avis de confidentialité Candidats à l’emploi FR Download PDF
Informativa sulla privacy Candidati all’offerta di lavoro IT Download PDF
Sekretessmeddelande för arbetssökande SWE Download PDF
Informacja o ochronie prywatności Kandydaci do pracy PL Download PDF
Fortrolighedserklæring Jobansøgere DK Download PDF
Privatumo pranešimas Darbo ieškantys asmenys LT Download PDF
Gizlilik Bildirimi İş Başvuruları TR Download PDF
Privacy Notice for the USA
Name of the Document Language Version Document
Privacy Notice Job Applicants ENG Download PDF
Consents – Talent Pool (Communities)
Name of the Document Language Version Document
Informed Consent on Personal Data Processing Talent Pool (Communities) ENG Download PDF
Einwilligung in die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten Talentpool (Communities) DE Download PDF
Informovaný súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov Talent Pool (Communities) SK Download PDF
Consentement éclairé sur le traitement des données personnelles Vivier de talents (Communautés/Communities) FR Download PDF
Consenso informato sul trattamento dei dati personali Pool di talenti (Communities) IT Download PDF
Świadoma zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych Pula talentów (społeczności) (Communities) PL Download PDF
Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesine İlişkin Aydınlatılmış Rıza Yetenek Havuzu (Topluluklar) Communities) TR Download PDF
Informeret samtykke til behandling af persondata Talentpulje (Communities) DK Download PDF
Informerat samtycke till behandling av personuppgifter Talangpool (Communities) SWE Download PDF
Informuotas sutikimas dėl asmens duomenų tvarkymo Talentų fondas (bendruomenės) LT Download PDF
Consents – Referral
Name of the Document Language Version Document
Informed Consent on Personal Data Processing Referral ENG Download PDF
Einwilligung in die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten Referral DE Download PDF
Informovaný súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov Odporúčanie (Referral) SK Download PDF
Consentement éclairé sur le traitement des données personnelles Renvoi (Referral) FR Download PDF
Świadoma zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych (Skierowanie) (Referral) PL Download PDF
Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesine İlişkin Aydınlatılmış Rıza Yönlendirme (Referral) TR Download PDF
Informerat samtycke till behandling av personuppgifter Hänvisning SWE Download PDF
CInformeret samtykke til behandling af persondata
DK Download PDF
Informuotas sutikimas dėl asmens duomenų tvarkymo Kreipimasis LT Download PDF
Consenso informato sul trattamento dei dati personali (Referral) IT Download PDF

Last revision: 19th June 2024